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In carrying out a study and looking for the needs that were pressing our community, we found out that the most disadvantaged and vulnerable sectors consisted of a high percentage of Hispanics and African-American immigrants.

Majority are working parents who due to their migratory condition, have low paying jobs, working much longer hours than their counterparts thus causing their families to suffer economically and not even mentioning the lack of quality time with their children.

When this phenomenon occurs in households, families deteriorate, crime increases, school absenteeism increases as well which leads to a high number of kids to get lost in drugs because they don’t know how to spend their free time. When we found this reality, we saw the absence of support for this vulnerable sector of our society and began to prepare and educate ourselves so that we could implement a program that will satisfy all these needs.

Our goal will always be to help the neediest; we will continued with the legacy that was born one day in the heart of a man, Pastor Ramon Jaquez, who suffered great needs from the time of his early childhood in his native Dominican Republic, and with a numerous family of 17 brothers with low economic resources to cover all of their needs.

That is why he couldn’t be indifferent to this kind of pain and he attends the needs of the most vulnerable ones. He has worked nonstop with his wife Pastor Monica Jaquez, with the sole aim of being able to provide the most helpless the resources necessary to have a better quality of life.

Pastor Ramon Jaquez specializes in the field of marketing and has provided his services to companies such as Tazo Tea of Starbucks Coffee; New York Ice Tea; Multi Vitamin Enhance Water; Ciclon; Brazil Gourmet; Fast Shipping and other multinational brands that have requested his services, market research skills and logistics etc.

With his 26 years of experience, Pastor Jaquez has made his skills available to the community by using effective tools to know how to get and recognize the needs of each area within a community.

Pastors Jaquez didn’t limit themselves and when financial resources were needed to continue the support of families, they donated their two homes with a valued of $ 750,000 dollars; thus all programs could continue in full force.

To this date, all programs are completely free of charge and we have about 80 volunteers. With all that Pastors Jaquez have gone through since their early childhood, they can’t be indifferent to the pain and need of those who are the most vulnerable.